This subject is taught in Diploma in Agriculture (I.Sc. Agriculture) in Plant Science in 3rd Year.
Honey bee
- Honey bees are social creatures and they live in colonies. A single colony consists of different
types of bees, they are worker, drones and queen bee.
- The body of an adult bee is divided into three parts; head, thorax, and abdomen.
- The head of a bee consists of various organs such as eyes, mouth and a pair of antennae.
- A bee consists of a pair of compound eyes and near to these, there lies simple eyes in a
triangular formation.
The artificial and scientific rearing of bees with a commercial motive for obtaining income through sales of honey, wax, other bee-products is known as Apiculture or Bee-keeping.
It can also be defined as the science and art of rearing bees with the commercial motive of selling bee products such as honey, wax etc.
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